Monday, June 11, 2007

Men and Women

..smell like musk and sweat
..are tasty
..think of sex all the time..and it's ok
..make me wish I had more
..have thought about having sex with everyone woman they know, and are looking at you now
wondering what you look like when you are naked
..have self-esteem issues too
..enjoy chocolate, when it's dripping off a woman's skin
..who are in it for themselves are not doing it right
..who want a woman to cum first and often are worth the time
..who use spit, aren't prepared (yep, I said it..I'm a KY gal)

..think of sex just as much as a man, we just add more decoration
..want a good man
..have thought about having sex with every guy they know, and are imagining how great you'd
be in bed
..just want to be told that they are beautiful inside and out
..enjoy a man that smells fresh and clean, but can't wait to get them dirty
..can be visual too
..are willing to try anything, twice

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