Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Scent of a Man

You gave me a hug, and I could smell you. Below the cologne, under the clothes, the scent of your body. I had to hold myself back from biting your neck. I felt your arms hold on longer than they should. I wanted to say something, but didn't use words. I held on with you. Then things became uncomfortable. We aren't supposed to do that. We aren't supposed to want each other like that. We chose not to continue for the sake of all involved. We loved each other. We've touched each other. We've told each other truths that we had never shared with a single soul. And in a single moment, your scent took me back and made my knees shake. I wonder, do I do the same to you still?

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A Proposition

It all starts out innocent enough. You chat. You flirt. You make offers that you think no one will ever come through on, until one side makes a proposition. You offered me a night of passion. A night that I would never forget, but I'm not like that. I don't forget. I try to lie to myself. I pretend things that happened never did in hopes that I can move on. I have a hard time moving on. So you offered something that I'd love to share with you. You offered sexual desires to be fulfilled. You are going through a serious mid-life crisis. You see me as your release. You see me as a sexual creature with a lust for things other's have only dreamed of. Will I go through with it? The answer to that is an obvious one....if you know me...truly know me....who I am at this very moment...you will know the answer. I don't think he knows me....he knows of me...I am a very different woman as of late. I make decisions with my head, and no longer my heart. My heart is true when it needs to be. My head listens to my heart, but knows what is right. It's the other parts of my body that shout too loud for my head to think....

Monday, June 18, 2007


You wrote me for the first time in months. You are in Egypt, far away from me. Far away from everything. You said you had to start over. You said that you wanted to make a life for yourself. Yet, you tell me you miss me. You tell me you love me. You say I should visit. All can I think is...WHAT THE FUCK?!! Anger seethes into my body. I want to yell and scream at you. Again, you ask me to give up my life to suit yours. Again, you make the offer, but never give the solution. It amazes me that you are so selfish. Yet, I still miss his lips. I want to feel his arms. I lust for him, I know this...but I am a strong person and I live in the real world. When will you learn?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Are We Cool?

Gwen Stefani - Cool

More music video codes at Get Music Video Codes

Once in a Blue Moon

May 31 was a Blue Moon, and all I thought was I should have been having a Blue Moon with you.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Feeling Sexy

I find that I enjoy buying and wearing specific pieces of lingerie. I like outfits that hug my hips and clench my waist. I especially enjoy corsets. If I could have been born in the Betty Page/Marilyn Monroe era, I'd be in heaven. I'm busty, curved and about the average size of the women from that time. In the privacy of my own bedroom I will dress up in black thigh high nylons with the seam in the back, high heels, a black corset (leather and lace), and a garter belt. The feel of the lace and nylon against my skin is a aphrodisiac for me. I will run my hand over my legs, around my ass and up to my breasts. Not soon after am I sprawled on my bed plunging my finger deep inside of me. How could I not? I will wear an outfit like that with a lover, but only if he is deserving. Like I said, I'm not a mindless piece of ass. I'm here to enjoy myself, and when I am with a man that I care for, feel a passion for, a burning lust inside of me, he will get to see a side of me that only a select few have ever had the pleasure of seeing, feeling and touching. It's when I wear an outfit that I feel most like a sexual human being. A real honest to goodness woman. I'm getting wet just thinking about it now.

I Just Smile

'Smile' by Lily Allen

Men and Women

..smell like musk and sweat
..are tasty
..think of sex all the time..and it's ok
..make me wish I had more
..have thought about having sex with everyone woman they know, and are looking at you now
wondering what you look like when you are naked
..have self-esteem issues too
..enjoy chocolate, when it's dripping off a woman's skin
..who are in it for themselves are not doing it right
..who want a woman to cum first and often are worth the time
..who use spit, aren't prepared (yep, I said it..I'm a KY gal)

..think of sex just as much as a man, we just add more decoration
..want a good man
..have thought about having sex with every guy they know, and are imagining how great you'd
be in bed
..just want to be told that they are beautiful inside and out
..enjoy a man that smells fresh and clean, but can't wait to get them dirty
..can be visual too
..are willing to try anything, twice


He was in a bed, covered by sheets, but I knew he was there. I was worried though. His wife was going to come home soon, and I needed to feel his touch again. I remember his hands being strong, but tender. All I wanted was to have his arms wrapped tightly around me. He raised himself up, leaned forward and kissed me. Then I woke up.

Friday, June 8, 2007

I'm Really an Angel...But I Have a Sinful Side

This is mine. I shall express my deepest, darkest, dirtiest thoughts here. It will be my confessional. I will tell you my sins, and hope to be forgiven. As a woman who carries a lot on her shoulders, I need to let my hair down. I need to release those thoughts trapped in my mind. My guilty pleasures. I need this. I need to know that I can be comfortable in my skin here. If you come to read, enjoy and understand, you are very welcomed. If you are here to talk down, call me names, tell me what you want to do to me...go away. I am not some meaningless porno queen for you to degrade. I am in control here. I am woman with a brain, a heart, a soul, and a passion.

Stay and read. Listen and forgive. Understand and express. That's all that I ask for...hope for. For this is MINE!